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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Hi: 84
Tuesday Night
Lo: 55
Mostly Sunny
Wednesday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: 53
Partly Sunny
Hi: 87
Thursday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: 62
Hi: 82
Friday Night
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 3/12: 692.56 (-0.44)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water stained; 60 degrees; 0.04 feet below pool. The water temperature has warmed the lake temperatures to the upper 50s and even the low 60s in the back of creeks. The spring action is back on after the cold snap two weeks back. The sand bass are active on the upper ends spawning and many are still on the main lake. Some will spawn on windblown banks. Striped bass to 12 pounds are possible midlake on live shad and jigs trolled near channel breaks. Largemouth bass are good in numbers moving from the deep to shallows on those warmer days. Soft plastics and spinner baits have been effective. Crappie are holding near deeper structure but are sure to start moving shallow with the warming weather. Best bait for crappies includes small jigs and minnows. Best catfish action continues to be on the upper ends on cut shad fished on the flats adjacent to the channel ledges. Some big blue catfish and yellow catfish to 30 pounds plus are possible. Report by Michael Acosta, Unfair Advantage Charters.
Amon G Carter Lake
Beaver Lake
Bois D Arc
Broken Bow Lake
Buckhorn Lake Kentucky
Buckhorn Lake Texas
Bull Shoals Lake
Caddo Lake
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Cherokee Lake
Clarks Hill Lake
Colchuck Lake
Crater Lake
Deep Creek Lake
Diablo Lake
Douglas Lake
Eagle Mountain Lake
Falcon Lake
Flathead Lake
Folsom Lake
Fort Loudoun Lake
Grand Lake OK
Hanging Lake
Hubbard Creek Lake
J Percy Priest Lake
Jim Chapman Lake
Kentucky Lake
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Lake Athens
Lake Belton
Lake Bob Sandlin
Lake Bonham
Lake Bridgeport
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Lake Fork
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Lake Havasu
Lake Houston Texas
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Lake Kiowa
Lake Lanier
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Lake LBJ
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Lake Murray
Lake Murray SC
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Lake Ray Hubbard
Lake Ray Roberts
Lake Sam Rayburn
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Lake Tawakoni
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Lake Waco
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Mono Lake
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Possum Kingdom Lake
Rend Lake
Richland Chambers Lake
Robert S Kerr
Shaver Lake
Silverwood Lake
Skiatook Lake
Smith Mountain Lake
Somerville Lake
Stillhouse Hollow
Summersville Lake
Table Rock Lake
Tenkiller Ferry Lake
Toledo Bend Lake
Torch Lake
Truman Lake
Watts Bar Lake
Wright Patman Lake