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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Increasing Clouds
Hi: 84
Sunday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: 50
Mostly Sunny
Hi: 82
Monday Night
Lo: 55
Hi: 91
Tuesday Night
Slight Chance Thunderstorms
Lo: 62
Slight Chance Rain Showers
Wednesday Night
Mostly Cloudy
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 3/23: 692.57 (-0.43)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water stained; 60 degrees; 0.16 feet below pool. Water temperatures have been varying from the upper 50s to the low 60s depending on the weather. Spring winds come and go, so be careful on the water with high winds. Striped bass fishing has been hit-and-miss. Striped bass are good to 10 pounds using live shad or bream. Best reports for striped bass are from in town to Decordova area. Sand bass have been good on small spinnerbaits and minnows in the river near Tin Top and near Bentwater. Crappie and some largemouth bass are starting to move towards their spawning grounds especially on those warmer days. Limits of crappie have been reported near standing timber north of the railroad bridge. Largemouth bass are fair to 7 pounds near creek entrances using soft plastics. Big blue catfish are good on cut bait fished from Ports-O-Call to near Hunter park. Report by Michael Acosta, Unfair Advantage Charters.
Cedar Creek Lake
Lake Bridgeport
Lake Fork
Lake Texoma
Moss Lake
Possum Kingdom Lake